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My last TechRepublic piece was chosen as an editor's pick!

Feb 29, 2024

I wrote a piece comparing free VPNs to paid VPNs, and TechRepublic featured it as an Editor's Pick on the homepage! I don't know who selected it (my actual editor intimated that it was an honor bestowed by someone else) or what criteria I met (if any), but I'm happy for the extra exposure. You can read the piece here!

Welcome to my world

Feb 25, 2024

This website is brand new, but all the pages work if you want to look around. My professional portfolio contains work created for third parties. Additional, de-branded, ghostwritten pieces are available upon request - check my about page for contact information.

About Nicole

Nicole Rennolds is a content writer and ecology student based in Baltimore, Maryland. Her work discusses cybersecurity, digital privacy, artificial intelligence, and technology's environmental impact.

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